CHIP, a Registered Society for supporting needy children and young adults, is a charity with a vision.
Since its inception in 1997 in Kolkata, CHIP has expanded its reach to other Indian cities. We now have active chapters in Mumbai and Nagpur and a new chapter is opening in Delhi.
Since our inception, we have constantly endeavored to implement a transformative model of ‘Total Child Care’, which involves improving the infrastructure of the schools, developing a more child-centric and innovative curriculum, and improving student health. We are actively working on afforestation and sustainibility.
CHIP engages government, corporate and individuals in India and all over the world for constant support and

President’s Message
I hope this message finds you all in good spirits! I am always humbled by the unwavering support and dedication I see all around me–in all the members of the Governing Body, in each and every one of our dedicated staff, in all our sponsors and well wishers.
Our work towards educating and empowering less privileged children gathers pace. Education is a fundamental right that empowers individuals and transforms communities.Our commitment to ensuring access to education remains steadfast.
With climate linked peril on the horizon, our members in Nagpur have created a completely new ecosystem based on afforestation and water conservation with the local community being major stakeholders in the project. Our commitment to positively contributing to environmental welfare remains unshakeable.
Although CHIP has come a long way in achieving its objectives, there’s still much to be done. Thank you for being an integral part of our mission. I urge you to continue to stand by us in this journey. Your contributions, in terms of time or money, whether big or small, make an immense difference in the lives of those who need us.
Dr. C. S. Mukherji
True Stories

Anu came to CHIP with Thalassemia Major, a life threatening condition. CHIP organised for Anu to undergo a major operation which led to an improvement in her health

Ansh, a student in CHIP Mumbai, would not participate in any activity because he stammered a lot. Teachers sensed great potential in him and worked on him through games based activities

My name is Savita A. Shaikh. I am a SEP teacher from CHIP Mumbai and a class teacher of classes 3rd and 4th in Oshiwara School. Today I am going to share story one of my class 4 students’ Abhay Earlier he was not interested in studying.